Ready to take your career to new heights?

Say goodbye to geographical limitations and hello to endless possibilities.

TLNT offers the gateway to your remote opportunity of a lifetime. Whether you're seeking flexibility, autonomy, or the chance to work from anywhere, we connect talented individuals like you with top-tier remote positions.

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trusted by the world’s fastest-growing companies

Testimonials (so far so good)

Career Empowerment Hub

Building a Stay-Worthy Culture in a Remote-First World
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Essential Tools for Managing Remote LATAM Teams
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Conquering Time Zones with your Remote LATAM Star Players
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Expanding Your Talent Pool with LATAM Professionals
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Preparing Your LATAM Workforce for the Evolving Landscape
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Embracing LATAM Talent with Seamless Integration
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How to apply

Skyrocketing your career was never this easy.

01. Grab the mic mouse

Complete our form sharing your story and skills

02. Meet and Greet!

Join us for a 30-minute chat to know each other and better and set up expectations

03. Get Your Dream Job!

We'll line up interviews with top clients. Get ready to live your career dream!


How long does it take to hire?

We start working on your role within 24 hours of the kick-off call. You will see vetted candidates within 7 business days. Beyond that, your hiring process, candidate feedback and the testing process can all vary based on your processes. Generally we see hires made in 2-4 weeks.

Is there a guarantee?

Yep! We guarantee you won’t pay a penny unless you make a hire. We also replace a candidate who doesn’t work out within the first 30 days. One replacement per hire.

Only roles up to $150,000 per year?

We also work on senior level hires! Drop your details into the waitlist form and we’ll reach out with details on hiring for $150k+ roles.

What if I want to hire 2 people from one search?

If you hire more than one person in the same role, from the same search, at the same time, we discount subsequent hires by 20%! This could mean you openned a role looking for one person, but found two, or, you openned a role knowing you need 5 hires, for example.

How do we get started?

We’re currently at capacity but our waitlist is open. Once capacity opens back up, we’ll reach out. A $1500 deposit is required to open a role. If the role is not filled, the deposit is refundable or transferable to another role.

Is this exclusive?

No. But… we’re on your team, so ideally you send all internal hiring efforts through Spin - keeping you and your team focused on your core business. If you have a referral, send them to your Spin team and if hired we’ll discount the fee by 30%